In addition to deer, I have seen other wild animals here. And (ups, Scott doesn’t let us use this at the beginning of the sentence :) not only seen… I remember very strong emotions when I was chasing a moose around a barn for the very first time in my life! That guy had antlers which made him even more exotic to me.
Other animals that I have heard a few times but have never seen are coyotes. Their howling froze my blood a few nights… They are not the ones that I would like to meet at night :). I could say the same thing about bears. Last summer, when I went on a camping trip all throughout Alberta and British Columbia, I had good chances to meet those fuzzies. I’m grateful I didn’t! On the other hand, I saw a lot of small animals, the most memorable were gophers. What stupid things they are! Standing on the highway and just waiting to be driven over. Yikes! Luckily, I haven’t seen them yet this year.
What about your experiences, my Dear Readers?
PS I took all of these pics through the window :)