What are you going to do the coming summer? I think most of you will go to visit your countries. I hope I’ll do the same thing in the second half of the summer. And let’s promise each other that we’re not gonna stop studying English ;) At least reading English books…
I would also like to improve some of my other languages, especially French, the language that I started studying at my university in Lithuania the year when I was finishing my degree program. I had the most amazing French teacher in the world!!! Because of such terrific teachers students start loving their target languages. I feel sorry that I couldn’t give my all for learning French because I also had to write my thesis. Those months were one of the hardest ones I had in my life. Therefore, my attention was not focused on language learning. Moreover, I haven’t practiced my French since my final exam (I got 10 :)). And after such a long time, languages that you don’t use get mixed up especially if you studied similar languages as I did – Italian and French. Then, you can’t remember such things like – oh, which of these: a l’universite and all’universita is en Francaise and which in italiano :)
The moral is – let us all often practice languages that we’ve studied. Cheers!
PS. Happy Easter!!! 

Wow! you have finished the requirement. Great!! I have still 2 more to go.
Anyways, we all are going to miss one another. Probably, that's how the university work.
Well, I think we should keep blogging. Then, it would be easier to contact for everybody.
Are we allow to use this blogging site? If so, it will awesome to keep blogging and keeping the track of our classmates. Anyways, it was really nice to meet you, and I wish you the very best for the oncoming years.
I can't believe that there is less than a week left until final exams. Holy cow, time flies. We can all still use these blogs after the course if finished. I hope some of you keep blogging :-)
Loretta, it must be awesome if we keeo bloging in the future! it will be fun to contact everybody!
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