Sunday, April 8, 2007

Hello dear friends,

Tick tock, tick tock… time is running so quickly! 1 more week and we’ll be finished with LEAP (I wish this for everybody, so nobody would have to pay big money to repeat this course). I’ve been studying here since last September together with some of you (Amy, Alif, and Mohammad); meanwhile, majority of the others I met first in January. However, now it seems that we are all old friends :) At least to me. I will really miss you guys (including our nice instructors) after this program. Hopefully, we will keep writing each other emails and even meet time to time. I’ll be always happy to receive your messages :) Don’t forget that!

What are you going to do the coming summer? I think most of you will go to visit your countries. I hope I’ll do the same thing in the second half of the summer. And let’s promise each other that we’re not gonna stop studying English ;) At least reading English books…

I would also like to improve some of my other languages, especially French, the language that I started studying at my university in Lithuania the year when I was finishing my degree program. I had the most amazing French teacher in the world!!! Because of such terrific teachers students start loving their target languages. I feel sorry that I couldn’t give my all for learning French because I also had to write my thesis. Those months were one of the hardest ones I had in my life. Therefore, my attention was not focused on language learning. Moreover, I haven’t practiced my French since my final exam (I got 10 :)). And after such a long time, languages that you don’t use get mixed up especially if you studied similar languages as I did – Italian and French. Then, you can’t remember such things like – oh, which of these: a l’universite and all’universita is en Francaise and which in italiano :)

The moral is – let us all often practice languages that we’ve studied. Cheers!

PS. Happy Easter!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Hello, my Friends :)
It’s my 12th blog… Hmmm what to write about..? Oh, I know :)

Many people have a hobby collecting things. Some collect stamps, others - currency from different countries (bad news for these collectors – currency in many countries will soon be the same because the Euro’s replacing many national currencies in the EU countries), info about some celebrity, beer cans or… even memories (why not?). I didn’t think I was collecting anything until the day when I noticed that I like little statues and souvenirs of Angels!
I don’t know when this trend has started, but the more time passes, the more angels I surround myself with. I buy them myself or someone gives me as a present… One angel I even made myself from felt and beads :)

Why are they special to me? Because they are such beautiful creations!!! I just love their humble beauty, friendly eyes, secret smiles and praying hands. They symbolize to me some kind of guardianship and fellowship, if you know what I mean. I guess my special attitude towards angels must have been partially influenced by my religion. Indeed, Angels are very important in Catholicism. How about other religions? What are your feelings about Angels? Have you heard anything about them?